We’ll admit it: we’re Rdio devotees (and no, we’re not getting paid for this plug). This elegant fusion of a social app with a vast cloud library of music just blows us away. So easy to navigate. So easy to see what your friends are listening to…then AND now. So easy to find new things, and hold onto them if you like ‘em.
You’re thinking to yourself right now “oh, like Spotify?” No. Just…no.
Yep, we’re stoked to be on Rdio finally where we can listen and share. Go check it out. You can use Rdio - fully-featured and ad-free - for three whole damn months. At which point you will be okay with shelling out a pathetic $5/month for the ability to look at your friends’ silly-ass iTunes library and laugh softly while saying “oh, how QUAINT.”
Recent posts
Space Bar - on Rdio at Long Last!
A: pretty f$%&in’ stoked.
A: Rdio is simply the best way you can listen to music right now.
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From Demo to Decimation
As we drag our broken bodies over the home stretch of this weeklong blog-fest in celebration of the release of Space Bar, we thought you’d like to hear how two songs began, and how they ended up. It’s damn interesting if ya ask me.
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When Keepin' It Real Goes RIGHT!
I’ve ranted on before about how deeply and positively this lineup of musicians has affected my own improvisational skills. In fact all four of us have had some golden moments that made it all the way from the band room to our new record Space Bar completely intact and un-edited. Let’s take a look at two that made the cut…